While there are lots of interesting ways of visualising numeric data, traditionally it has been more challenging to neatly summarise text. However, with the wonders of modern technology we are now able to depict long, (and potentially rather dry) documents using Word Clouds. So, we decided to take a look at the 2011 Education Act to pull out some key messages. Once we had removed the legalese (such as the 746 uses of the word subsection, and 313 uses of the word substitute) the picture above is what we found…
So, what does this tell us? Well, firstly we can see the self-declared importance of the Secretary of State, appearing a bountiful 408 times. It’s also telling to see the shifting balance of power through the relative use of the words Academy (387) compared with maintained (71) and local authority (105). Perhaps more surprising, given their increasing importance due to the Raising of the Participation Age (RPA), is the relatively limited use of the words apprenticeship and college (see if you can find them…)
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