Read our research, commissioned by London Councils, on inclusion of young people with SEND in London’s schools. The report defines inclusion, outlines the picture across London, highlights the benefits of inclusion, and makes recommendations for stakeholders across the capital.
At Mime we strive to highlight the full range of benefits that schools provide for their pupils, with a much broader lens than narrow academic measures.
Over the last year we have had the privilege of working with Camden Learning on a ground-breaking school report initiative. Supported by the tremendous partnership of schools across the borough and in consultation with parents, we have designed a new way of displaying a rounded picture of a school. The report contains information about all aspects of life at the school, covering various aspects of what it feels like to be a pupil or a parent of the school. While the latest Ofsted report and DfE performance data about the school’s performance is shown, the breadth of information means parents can really get an understanding of what’s important to them, including:
- Photos that capture the range of activities at the school
- Quotes from pupils, parents and teachers
- Facilities
- Extra-curricular activities
- Demographic information
- How the school ensures children are safe and happy
- What happens to support children after they leave the school
- How bullying is addressed
- Highlights from the curriculum offer
Prototypes of reports for seven schools have already been tested with parents, with very positive results. The work has also been reported on by the BBC Education team.
This initiative feels timely, following the latest rhetoric from the government that happiness, wellbeing and inclusion will be at the forefront of future education policy, and that Ofsted is reassessing how they will evaluate schools.

Get in touch to find out more about our school report work
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