As part of the Level 3 Value Add resources the Department for Education have released the Level 3 Transition Matrices for the Summer 2012 exam sitting. These are designed to show pupil progress from sub-levels of attainment at Key Stage 4 (GCSE or equivalent) to grade outcomes at Level 3 (A Level or equivalent) for a range of qualifications and subjects.
We’ve presented this data interactively for you here. You start by choosing the qualification and subject combination from the drop-downs on the left and the grade outcomes pertaining to that qualification are presented as stacked bar charts split out by broad prior attainment bandings.
It’s interesting to explore the effect that prior attainment has on a young person’s chances of achieving the very highest grades in particular qualifications and subjects. It’s also a good way of contextualising the number of fails being recorded for AS Qualifications; something which is a source of particular concern with regard to potential drop-out at age 17. For example, compare the grade outcomes of young people coming in with average KS4 prior attainment of around a C grade taking AS Chemistry against those taking Film Studies.
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