Since its launch in 2022, Mime and Wavehill have been working together to evaluate the Mayor of London’s Advice in Community Settings programme. This programme has funded eleven partnerships to support Londoners experiencing, or at risk of, financial hardship by strengthening links between advice services and community settings.
In September 2023, we published our Year 1 Evaluation report and today we are pleased to announce the publication of our Year 2 evaluation report. This report builds on the findings from Year 1 to assess the impact of the programme and explore how delivery has evolved over time.
The evaluation has demonstrated the deep impact of the Advice in Community Settings programme:
- At least 13,570 Londoners have been impacted by the advice and support received as a result of this programme
- The Advice in Community Settings programme has been particularly effective at reaching those who had never accessed advice before
- Around a quarter of advice seekers reported improvements to their finances, with the total financial gains of the programme exceeding £5m
- Nearly three-quarters of advice seekers reported improvements to their health and wellbeing
- The programme has allowed advice services to develop and strengthen their partnerships with community settings, resulting in a more holistic service for advice seekers
I think that’s been quite interesting to see that development over the last couple of years […]. With two years of experience behind us, it’s very much embedded […], it’s shifted the way that we think as an organisation and what we can offer to families across the board.
Advice Provider
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